Saturday, February 24, 2018

First Job I Adulting Series


Sorry that I have been gone for quite some time. Things got a bit busy so I didn’t have a lot of time to sit down and write.

But I have wonderful news!!!!

As you can read from the title, I finally got my first job. 


I just started around a week ago so everything is still so new to me but I feel like I’m starting to adjust to working quite well. I’m already starting to get the hang of doing some parts of the job although there are still things that I don’t know since it hasn’t been taught to me. And there are also things that are still confusing to me because I haven’t fully grasped them yet. 

I was also able to start making some new friends. I already have people that I spend time with during lunch breaks. Although I still have a hard time remembering a lot of people’s names but I’m trying my best to remember their names and faces.

A work day for me is usually a bit exhausting since I work about an hour longer than the usual eight hours because we have a compressed work week. A compressed work week means that instead of going to work six days a week, we would only need to go to work for five days but instead of the usual eight hours a day work schedule we have nine hours. So for now, I usually feel like it’s been a long day because I’m trying to take in a lot of information so that I would do my job well. But I guess it’s fine to feel this way for now because I’m still not in the routine mode for doing things so learning everything is still taking a lot of cognitive energy from me.

Don’t get me wrong though because I’m enjoying everything because I feel so productive lately. This is probably due to me feeling like I’m finally doing something for my career life. I’m also enjoying the corporate environment so far even if it really hits you hard that you’re not a kid anymore because they don’t treat you like a kid anymore. It also adds to feeling more responsible because I feel like I now have responsibilities that I need to do by myself. I’m also enjoying meeting new people from my work and trying to be friends with more people. It’s fun for me to make friends with people that are much older than me because I’m used to making friends with people around my age (may include people who are a bit older or younger than me) but not usually with people who are much older.

All in all, I’m so thrilled to finally have my first job. Even if I’m busier now compared to before, I’m enjoying everything.

I guess that’s all for now. If you want me to write more about job-hunting or things related to that, you can comment or message me about it. Maybe I can give you some tips or maybe you can give your tips to others who may be in this situation. 


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