Saturday, February 3, 2018

January Reflections


So it’s February now…

I can’t believe how fast January seemed to pass by. It feels like it went by almost like a blur. So many things happened but at the same time I feel like I wasn’t able to accomplish what I wanted for January.


I wanted to write about my reflections for January and what I hope for February.

Last January, in the aspect of my health, I don’t think I did as well as I hoped. I was eating a lot of junk food and I was ordering for delivery a lot which I know is not good for my health and my budget. I was also stressed a lot because January ended with only one job offer that I didn’t take because it didn’t feel like the right company for me. All in all, I wasn’t really able to focus well on my overall well-being which I hope to change in the coming days.

As I mentioned earlier, my job-hunting in January was not as successful as I had hoped it would be because aside from that one job offer that I didn’t take, I was not able to receive any other job offers. It was also a very busy month because I usually had a lot of interview schedules which I’m greatly thankful for and I hope that one of those companies that I really liked would call me back sometime soon. (Please pray for me about that because I really want to be able to have a job soon so that I could start my career soon.) 

However, if my previous statements seem like I’m saying that January was not a good month, don’t worry because it was not. I still enjoyed it a lot because I feel like my experiences helped me grow and become more street-smart. I also believe that most of my experiences helped me become a more well-rounded and improved person.

I hope that February and the rest of the year would be better in terms success in all aspects of my life. I also hope that I would be able to fulfill my goals and resolutions because I want to achieve a lot of things starting this year.

What about you, how did January go for you and what do you hope for the coming days?

That’s all for now, bye!

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