Friday, January 26, 2018

Things I’ve Learned While Job-hunting I Adulting


I think I haven’t updated you in a while about my job-hunting experience. 


I’m still on that journey. I’m still searching for the job for me. And right now, I think that things are looking up compared to the last time I wrote an update. The reason why I say that things seem to be looking up now is because I’m getting more invites for an interview or an initial screening. I’ve also been able to reach farther than the initial stage lately. There has been times that I’ve been interviewed by the hiring manager and right now, there are some positions that I’m just waiting for their call or job offer.

I wanted to write this update not only to talk about what’s going on in my life but also because I’ve been learning a lot of things lately as well and maybe these things I’ve learned are things that could help you if you’re in a same situation as me.

So… one of the biggest things I’ve learned is that I really need to have faith in God and in myself. I’m not really someone who likes to talk about religion in public spaces because I’m aware that not everyone likes that but it has been more apparent to me lately that not everything could be under my control. I can’t control how people might perceive me and I can’t control how every situation goes. These things really affected me because there has been so many times in my job-hunting experience where I feel disappointed in myself because I sometimes felt that I wasn’t enough or that I might not be as good as I thought I was. A lot of experiences made me feel doubt in myself. But the thing was that during those desperate times when I don’t know what to think or feel anymore, I’ve been told to just surrender everything to God and lift up my worries to Him. And let me tell you that it really helped me. It helped relieve my stress about the situation because I felt like I had someone far greater than me to lean on. Someone that won’t let me down because He only wants what’s best for me. The feeling is freeing and it feels like a large weight has been lifted off my shoulder.

I’m not telling you to change your views because whatever we all have different beliefs but if you have similar views as me, maybe you can try what I did but just adapt it to your specific beliefs when you feel like you don’t know what to do anymore or when you feel like nothing’s going your way anymore. I’m telling you now how good it feels to get that weight lifted off of your shoulders.

Another thing I learned is that patience really is key in these kinds of situations because we have competition for the job and it’s not a very easy process for the companies as well. I guess we have to keep in mind that we’re not the only ones that are being interviewed or screened for the job and that the companies are trying to see who fits into the position and into the company culture as well. I learned to wait and be patient because I’ll only end up stressing myself out if I pressure myself too much. This is not to say that you shouldn’t keep going out there to apply to jobs. While waiting, you can apply to other jobs so that you could have more options or backups and so that you don’t spend a lot of time waiting for something that isn’t guaranteed yet. Also, don’t rush the companies and don’t put pressure on yourself to get a job as quickly as possible because you don’t want to end up saying yes to jobs that you’re still hesitant with or you don’t feel happy with.

I also learned of ways to keep energized whenever I already feel tired in the middle of the week since I’ve recently been getting job interview or initial screening invites almost everyday. I’m super thankful for that because I feel like it brings me one step closer to getting my dream job. But since I go out to different places everyday, there are times when I feel tired especially with the commutes and the long waiting. I think that these are things that most people might struggle with as well because sometimes those things are more tiring than the actual interviews or tests. 

But what I do is that I keep in mind the goals that I’ve set for myself and I think about how these tiring commutes and long waiting times are just challenges for me to pass through before getting my dream job. These has also served as ways for me to get a better knowledge about myself. Through these, I’ve realized how determined I am because no matter how tired I am and how much uncertainties there are, I’m still willing to go through these situations. 

I’ve also realized how supportive my loved ones are because they try to adjust with my experiences as well. I’ve also felt their support during the times when my self-doubts were overwhelming. They always tried to cheer me up and made me feel like I can do it and I will succeed. There was also always someone who reminded me that it’s not always my fault when I don’t get a job offer because there’s so many things that could have affected their decision.

So these are some of the things I’ve learned so far that I want to share with you in case you need it or in case you’re experiencing the same thing as me. I’m definitely going to update you once again when I finally get job offers.

But for now…


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