Friday, December 1, 2017

My Job Hunting Experience So Far… I Adulting


So… right now, I’m trying to look for a job. I don’t really know how to describe the whole experience but I really truly feel like an adult now. I feel like I’m so ready to take on the world and be successful in what I choose to do but at the same time I feel so vulnerable and somehow unprepared. 

First of all, I feel a bit vulnerable about looking for a job because even if I’ve been dependent on my parents and other adults for most of my life, I feel like I’ve never been this dependent on a single person’s acceptance. I do understand that they’re trained professionals and that they’re probably trying to be unbiased to give chance to most people but I feel like I’ve never been so nervous about how someone would perceive me and what I have done in my life so far. I know that I have to present my best self but at the same time, I feel like I have to show them the real me so that they could also see my uniqueness but I think that there may be a fine line between the two and I have to somehow be careful so that I don’t present myself in a bad light.

But maybe as I get more responses from employers, the feeling of being vulnerable may go away. Also, I think that thinking positively helps me because when I try to get rid of negative thoughts, it greatly helps in calming me down. I know that it’s not so easy to think positive especially for some people and I know that because I am like that but I’ve been making an active choice in trying to think positively for years now and I noticed that it has helped me a lot because I feel like when I started thinking positively, I’ve been attracting more positive things in my life compared to the times when I was so negative.

Second thing is that I think that the number one reason and probably the only reason why I feel like I’m somehow unprepared is because I never got to experience undergoing an internship. I feel like having an internship is a good advantage in job hunting because of the experience and exposure you get out of it. And I completely lost out on that. 

However, I don’t feel totally at a loss because I feel like I have a strong educational background because I do believe that I went to really good schools. Also, I feel like I’m quite competent, positive, and persistent which I think is a good combination because I’m still super motivated and determined even with the chance that I might be at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to experience.

All in all, I don’t really let rejections and not so happy occurrences get me down. I feel like the right and perfect job will come if I just persist and continue looking. I strongly believe in not giving up. I feel like praying helps a lot but if you don’t take steps (no matter how big or small) to help you get to your goals then how can what you pray for be given to you if you don’t even do anything about it. 

Also, I am somehow finding this experience fun and exciting because I’ve gotten to do things that I’ve never really been brave enough to do on my own before. Also, I feel like I’ve been learning how to do interviews along the way and to fine tune how I present myself which is always a good thing, I guess.

Anyway… I guess that’s all for now. I just wanted to get some of these thoughts out because I feel like it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now.


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