Saturday, September 3, 2016

What I Do To Lessen Stress


So lately, I have been able to manage my stress quite well (at least, that’s what I think). This is quite a feat for me because I am the type of person who worries a lot and who gets stressed out so easily even with little things.

So for this post, I would like to share how I am able to manage my stress. Take note that I’m not really an expert on this because I still get really stressed out once in a while. However, I’d just like to share some of the things I’ve been doing lately that helped me.

First of all, I’ve started to tell myself that I can’t really control everything. I realized that for my case, I was always so stressed because I worry too much and that I worry even with things that I know I don’t have full control over. For example, I used to worry so much when there’s heavy traffic. I’m the type of person who hates being late because I value time a lot so when there’s heavy traffic, I used to feel super stressed because I’m so afraid of being late for anything. So lately, I’ve been trying to do things that I could control so that in the things I can’t control won’t stress me out so much. This means that for example, I try to avoid getting stuck in traffic by leaving earlier and by doing that, I get to avoid getting stuck in heavy traffic that I know would stress me out.

Another thing I’ve done is to manage my time more effectively. I used to get my work done on time but sometimes, I procrastinate with doing them because I get lazy or I focus too much on one thing that sometimes, I tend to ignore other things. So that stresses me out because I used to always fear that I wouldn’t get everything done on time. But now, I’ve tried balancing my time better which helps me get more things done. It also helps that I have a lighter load now in school.

Lastly, I’ve tried sleeping earlier to get my eight hours of sleep. I think that this helped me out a lot because I’m more rational, calm, and alert when I get enough sleep which I think helps in lessening my stress.

So these are some of the things that I’ve tried. If you try it out, let me know how it works out for you. Also, if you have other tips for lessening stress, please let me know in the comments.

That’s all for now, bye!

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