Saturday, October 1, 2016

Responsibilities and I

Photo taken from Google Images.


First of all, I’d like to apologize for not posting last time. I got a bit busy because I got a lot of exams that week so I had to study for them and I ended up having no time to write a post.

Moving on…

For this post, I’d like to talk about taking on more responsibilities. So for this semester, I tried signing up to a lot of things to take on more responsibility and to try out more things because I thought that since it’s my last year in my undergrad life, I thought that this was my last chance to do more and be more active in my university.

However, this didn’t really work out well for me because I just ended up feeling like I was stretching out myself too thin because I didn’t really consider the fact that I don’t really live too near my school and that traffic got worse. This led me to feel like I wasn’t being more productive because I was sacrificing the quality of my work. Due to that, I had to let some responsibilities go which made me feel like I was failing.

So… why did I talk about this?

I wanted to share this because I realized that in this day and age, we are starting to admire people who do a lot and that’s okay. However, you shouldn’t compare yourself to them and also take on a lot of things because you’ll just end up stretching yourself too thin and you’re going to end up sacrificing something, most likely the quality of your work or your own happiness.

Also, you have to keep in mind to be realistic with your goals because if you set yourself up for too much, you’d also feel like you’re failing when in fact, you’re not.

So take on challenges and responsibilities but don’t forget to look at your own well-being and happiness. That’s all I wanted to say for this post. Bye!

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