Saturday, May 30, 2020

Thoughts: “Triad Princess”

Photo taken from Google Images.


I originally wanted to take a break to day in posting so I was planning to post this in June but since this is my last post in May, my mind wouldn’t stop since I also want to complete posting every Saturday of May too.


I finished watching “Triad Princess” on Netflix last May 14. I kind went through a slump in watching series or movies this May. As you can see, I was only able to finish one series this month. I was actually trying to finish a different series that I’ve started prior to this but I’ve reached a point where I’m not so interested in the storyline of that series so I tried watching “Triad Princess” first to get my motivation back. I’ve been wanting to watch “Triad Princess” anyway for some time because I knew that Jasper Liu is one of the leads and I really loved watching him in “When I See You Again”. So I decided to pick this series to watch while getting myself back into watching series on Netflix.

(Note: I’m going to write a summary of the series. If you don’t like spoilers, please watch the series first before proceeding to read.)

So the series is about Angie who is the titular triad princess. She’s the only child of Boss Ni and his deceased wife. Boss Ni is the Cosmos Gang leader which is the biggest gang in Taiwan.

We learn in the beginning that Angie loves the idea of falling in love. Because of this, she has a lot of experience when it comes to boyfriends, especially on cheating boyfriends who they punish by throwing off of bridges to plunge into the river. (Yi-hang actually experiences this punishment when the gang members who were helping Angie mistakenly took him instead of her ex-boyfriend. The mix-up happened because he was also staying at the same motel as her ex-boyfriend while repairs were being made at his home.)

We also learn that Angie is a really big fan of Yi-hang and she has a huge crush on him.

One day, Boss Ni informs Angie that she will be marrying Eddie Kim who is the son of the Golden Dragon Gang’s boss. The Golden Dragon Gang is the biggest gang in Hong Kong. Once they get married, the two gangs will be united and become bigger and more powerful. Angie disagrees with this arrangement and runs away with the help of Gui.

Then, Angie was able to convince Ms. Kwong to let her become Ling Yun’s bodyguard. She took this job because she wants to live an independent life of her own and this job could also provide her opportunities to meet Yi-hang. As a bodyguard, Angie was able to protect Ling Yun and her secret. We learned that Ling Yun was addicted to drugs and often partied in the past. She then got pregnant by her ex-boyfriend who is a drug dealer and womanizer. This ex-boyfriend had been blackmailing her by threatening to kill her son to extort money from her.

As a result of their newfound closeness, Ling Yun tells Yi-hang about Angie’s crush on him. This was good news to Yi-hang since he was developing feelings for Angie at this time. This was because Angie was supportive of his dream of being more than just an actor who always plays the charming good guy.

Angie and Yi-hang eventually end up sleeping together and becoming a couple. However, their relationship got exposed by a paparazzi who was waiting outside of Yi-hang’s home. When news got around, there was a lot of backlash against Yi-hang because everyone thought he was two-timing or cheating on Ling Yun because Ms. Kwong made it seem that they were dating even before Angie and Yi-hang met.

Yi-hang wanted to address this by holding a press conference to tell everyone the truth. But during the press conference, he ended up denying his relationship with Angie which breaks her heart.

The heartbroken Angie decided to come back home and go through with her father’s plans. She and Eddie were given some time to catch up and get to know each other better since they were getting married.

However, Angie still loves Yi-hang and Yi-hang eventually decided to follow his heart and get Angie back. They reunite at the airport before Angie and Eddie were able to board for their flight to Hong Kong. Then we learn that Eddie and Ling Yun’s ex-boyfriend were somehow acquainted and that Eddie probably had something to do with or knowledge of the kidnapping of Ling Yun.

Overall, I thought that the series was fun and interesting. There were a lot of moments when I felt super “kilig” (exhilaration or elation caused by an exciting or romantic experience) over Angie and Yi-hang that I found it super difficult to contain myself and I had to actually pause the show to calm myself down. There were also a lot of times that I thought that Angie’s fangirling was super cringey yet so relatable.

I was also kinda surprised that Eddie turned out to be a bad guy. I thought that he was going to be one of those second leads that would be lovable because he truly loves the female lead and would be willing to sacrifice for her happiness. He really seemed like that when we first get introduced to his character but he turned out to be selfish by trying to stand in the way of Angie and Yi-hang’s reconciliation and even deliberately trying to do something to prevent that from happening. He was kind of manipulative just to get his way.

Also, the series is only six episodes long which lasts for about thirty minutes per episode so it’s really short. If you’re not one for watching a very long series, this might be good for you.

I’m looking forward to Season Two and I hope that it would be as funny and interesting as the first season. I would definitely recommend this series but maybe to a more mature audience only since it had a lot of swearing and more adult scenes.

That’s all for now, bye!

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