Saturday, June 6, 2020

May 2020 Reflections


I was hesitant to post today because of the many things that has been happening lately. But I also didn’t want to write about it because I feel that I’m not as educated about the issues going on. I will try to write about it once I feel more confident in my knowledge and I might share some of the materials that I’ve been reading, watching, or listening to. For now, I will write about my reflections for the month of May.


May had been a fairly eventful month for me. First of all, my Kpop album orders have arrived. I had been waiting for them for so long and I was so happy when they finally arrived. If I remember correctly, I ordered these albums since the end of January. They got cancelled by the system around March but I was able to re-order them again as soon as the system allowed me to. So that made my waiting time really long.

Second, there had been a lot of releases during the month which made my fangirl heart really happy. These releases brought a lot of joy for me because being in quarantine also got a bit boring and lonely.

Third, I finally started and maintained attending a free online digital course. I have been looking into this since the beginning of the community quarantine but this was the first time that I actually went ahead and actually committed to it. I’m actually really excited to finally get a certification once I finish the courses that I started.

Fourth, my skincare orders also arrived. I ordered them around the end of the month because I started running low on my current skincare products. I decided to order before they run out because I didn’t know how long it would take for my orders to arrive. Luckily, they arrived just a few days after I ordered. It was actually a surprise for me because I thought that it might take a bit longer than that due to the limited number of employees going to work and the number of people who currently order their products online.

Finally, I had been fairly productive while working from home. I think I accomplished a lot of the things I needed to do for the month which helped me lower my stress levels.

I had also been very distracted during the month. I don’t really know why but it was kinda difficult for me to just sit still because my mind often wanders off to so many things that I needed to keep myself in check so that I can get my head back to the present. This contributed to me making a lot of careless mistakes which I had to correct. This slightly affected my productivity because I needed to redo things. This led me to learn to take things slower so that I feel less overwhelmed and less prone to being distracted because I can focus on being in the present and lessen my overthinking.

I also learned to be more grateful of all my blessings because this would lead me to truly have a more optimistic and positive mindset. I think focusing on things or situations that seem bad or negative greatly contributes to my negativity and that it affects me despite trying so hard to be more optimistic. I realized that I needed to learn to change how I view the world in order for me to actually become more positive.

Also, I just wanted to put it out there how worried I feel about starting to go back to normal life. I know that the quarantine had greatly affected the lives of many people with people losing their jobs or not being able to work which made it difficult for them to earn money during these times. However, my worry actually comes from the fact that there had been no mass testing nor targeted mass testing in my country which makes it kind of difficult to know if other people have the virus or not. It’s worrying because you don’t really know what’s in store for you outside of your home and you don’t want to risk bringing the virus back to your family.

I hope that the coming days, weeks, and months would be even better and good things would keep coming. I also hope that we find a cure for this virus and already start the new normal with less fear.


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