Sunday, April 5, 2020

March 2020 Reflections


So March had been a crazy and stressful month. I think it was mainly due to the CoViD-19 pandemic and my new office position.

I don’t want to get into too much details about my work but for the sake of this month’s reflection and recap let’s just say that my life in our office is not super enjoyable for me anymore. I actually started dreading it.

However, I think the biggest damper of the month was CoViD-19. I initially thought that it ended around January and we didn’t have to worry about it too much because, in my country, from the three cases January, there were no reported increases in number of affected individuals in February. Although that drastically changed when March came. To top it all off, I don’t think we were prepared for it and we’re still not at a point when I can say that we are handling it well.

In my office, we weren’t even provided tools to work from home. We have to use our personal devices and materials to do our work. And to add to that, our head expects us to perform or function in a way that is close to our productivity in the office. But how can we? This is not really the time when you have a lot of motivation because of the current situation and the stress and anxiety that it brings. At the same time, we weren’t provided with anything that would help us do our tasks. Also, they informed us really late about the work arrangement plans so we lacked time to prepare our documents so that we could work remotely or at home.

In my home life, I think we are handling the situation a lot better when week two of the quarantine came. Initially, we were starting to get hot-headed with each other but when we started praying the rosary daily to pray that this virus goes away, I think it helped us deal with each other better. Also, since only one person is allowed to go out, my dad volunteers to do it but I do worry about him going out. So I try to ask my mom to tell him to avoid going out as much as possible and to always be careful.

Generally, it was honestly a crappy month in the sense that we can’t love our normal lives and we are greatly affected by this virus that we still don’t know how to fight. Also, it’s really saddening so many lives being lost and affected. My heart really goes out to the families of those who passed away or is still fighting the disease.

Looking at the brighter side of things, I guess one of the good things that came out this month was the releases of some of my favorite artists. It was a good distraction from the scary situation that we are facing.

Also, since we are in quarantine at home, aside from work, I get to work on my hobbies. I am able to watch shows on Netflix and write a lot. I haven’t gotten round to reading a lot yet but I really want to try and do that.

I think that this month, I have been more creative than I had been the past few months or even the past year. I’ve actually started working on things that I have not had time to think about or do before because I felt so drained.

Finally, I think my biggest takeaway this month is that it is super important to be compassionate and empathic towards others. I think this is not the time to be selfish because being selfish would be putting others at risk. For example, we can’t just keep hoarding supplies because we feel afraid of running out of them. By doing so, we would be depriving others of supplies that they may need. We should only get enough so that other people could also have what they need.

I’m so thankful to all of our frontliners who chose to come to work knowing that they are putting their lives at risk. They chose to do their job which helps and saves others. I truly salute them for their dedication and bravery. Their desire to help others is truly inspiring and it gives you hope that there is hope for humanity to be capable of being compassionate and selfless.

So that’s all for now. Remember to take care, wash your hands, and avoid going out as much as possible.


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