Saturday, April 11, 2020

Movie and Series Watched in January to March 2020


So this is something that I’ve been wanting to start for a while but I kept putting it off either because I lacked motivation to write or I felt writing about something else. But since I have a bit more time and energy in my hands lately due to the community quarantine, I decided to finally sit down and write about the shows and movie that I’ve watched recently.

Since I’ve decided to do my bullet journal for 2020, one of the things that I’ve done is to list down the shows or movies that I’ve watched. I also started writing about them in my journal because when I look back, I want to have a short summary of the things that I’ve watched and my thoughts on it.

Anyways, these are the shows and movie that I’ve finished so far during the first quarter of 2020. I’ve watched all of them through Netflix. As you can tell, I haven’t been able to go to the cinemas yet in 2020.

(Please be warned that there will be spoilers ahead.)

Oh My Ghost (Thailand)

Photo taken from Google Images.

First things first, I just wanted to mention that I haven’t been able to watch the Korean version of this drama yet. I do know of its existence prior to watching this drama. I found out about the Korean version a few years ago while I was still in college. I heard a teaser about the show on the radio while I was on my way to school. That teaser was often aired before the dubbed version of the show premiered in one of our country’s top broadcasting stations.

What I knew about the show was that the main character was a girl who was really timid and shy and that she worked in a restaurant. Then one day, she was possessed by a lustful spirit who wanted to sleep with her boss who was the head chef. And that was all I knew about it because that was what I remembered for the teaser.

So in January, while I was taking a break from the shows that I was watching at that time because I started losing interest in them, I decided to give this show a try. I already added it in “My List” on Netflix. And the show actually got me hooked. I think it only took me a couple of days to finish because whenever I had free time, I binged watched it. 

The story first introduced us to the characters and how their lives got tangled up together. Jiew is timid and shy girl who worked in Chef Artit’s restaurant. I’m not exactly sure what she does in the restaurant but it seemed to me that she was mostly the person who was running errands for the restaurant instead of cooking. She tended to be clumsy and really tired in the mornings. We see that she is really interested in cooking and even has a blog about the dishes she makes. And she also has a the ability to see and hear ghosts. 

Khaopun on the other hand is a virgin ghosts who believes that she will only go to heaven once she is able to sleep with a man. She doesn’t remember how she died or even anything about her previous life.

Then one day, Khaopun ran into Jiew while she was running away from the shaman who was trying to catch her. To be able to get away, she decided to possess Jiew’s body. And when she was able to get enough distance between her and the shaman, she learns that she couldn’t get out. She got stuck in Jiew’s body. Since she got stuck, she used the opportunity to use Jiew’s body to try to sleep with Chef Artit so that she could finally move on and go to heaven.

Along the way, Khaopun and Jiew become friends and have a sisterly bond. Khaopun even tried helping Jiew with her growing feelings for Chef Artit. Eventually, Khaopun also recovers her memory of her life and we learn how she passed away and who was responsible for her death.

I actually really liked the story because it was funny and heartwarming. I found it really funny how Jiew was so different from her normal self when Khaopun was possessing her and the different antics that Khaopun got into while possessing Jiew’s body. I also loved how despite really noticing and interacting with Jiew when Khaopun was possessing her, Chef Artit actually fell in love with the real Jiew and not Khaopun.

I think the only thing that I didn’t like about the series was the sudden appearances of scary-looking ghosts. Whenever they pop up on screen, I really get a fright because of how scary they look and how they suddenly appear.

Tall Girl

Photo taken from Google Images.

I watched this movie and finished this movie after I finished “Oh My Ghost”.  I saw a trailer for this movie last 2019 (I think?) and it made me curious about the film. I think that this is the first film that I ever saw where the female protagonist is made fun of because of being really tall.

So the story introduces us to Jodi who is the tallest girl in her class. From what I remember, her whole family has an average height apart from her. I think she may have inherited the really tall genes from one of her parents who have really tall relatives.

Jodi is often bullied by Kimmy and her friends for her height. And some guys are afraid of asking her out because of it. However, her friend Dunkleman is an exception. He actually really likes Jodi despite her height. He often tries asking her out but she rejects him because her ideal guy is someone who is taller than her.

Then one day, Stig, a handsome foreign exchange student arrives who is totally Jodi’s type. However, Kimmy immediately likes him as well. Throughout the story, we learn that Stig does like Jodi too but he wanted to be popular because in his hometown, he wasn’t considered as attractive and therefore, he wasn’t so popular. Of course, this is heartbreaking for Jodi but she eventually learns to love herself and in the end she ended up kissing Dunkleman. I’m not too sure if that meant that she likes him as much as he likes her or if they would become a couple after that.

Honestly, I didn’t really love the movie as much as I thought I would after watching the trailer. Although I do commend that she didn’t end up with Stig just because he apologized to her in the end and said that he likes her. I also commend that they focused more on her loving herself in the end versus just liking Dunkleman because he liked her as herself.

Well-Intended Love

Photo taken from Google Images. 

I watched and finished this series after watching “Tall Girl”. I think I got interested in this series after watching some montage clips of it from the Asian Crush page on Facebook. 

The story introduced us to Xia Lin who was probably a D-list actress wanting to become an A-list actress. One day, she was diagnosed with leukemia. With this diagnosis, she starts feeling really down because she still has a lot of hopes and dreams for herself. Fortunately for her, there was a match that could help her survive. Desperate to talk to her match, she decided to snoop in the doctor’s files. She found out that Ling Yizhou was her match. 

Together with her best friend, Jia Fei, they came up with a plan for her to be able to follow Ling Yizhou and convince him to donate bone marrow to her so that she could proceed with the surgery to prolong her life. Ling Yizhou agreed but on one condition. His condition was that they have to get married.

Xia Lin was initially hesitant about agreeing but given that that was Ling Yizhou’s condition for donating bone marrow to her, she agrees. After a few months, they start living together as a couple in Ling Yizhou’s home. 

There’s a lot of twists and turns in the story that I don’t want to detail anymore. But the series is generally cute and funny although expect some dramatic parts that are probably gonna make you cry.

The story reminded me of a novel that I am reading in Webnovel titled “Trial Marriage Husband: Need to Work Hard”. Ling Yizhou’s protectiveness and care towards Xia Lin reminded me of Mo Ting. And Xia Lin wanting to keep their relationship a secret because she wanted to succeed based on her hard work and not on her husband’s connections or reputation  reminded me of Tang Ning.

I really loved the story and I’m looking forward to watching Season 2 which is now available on Netflix.

Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
Photo taken from Google Images.

I’ve tried watching this series in 2019 but I didn’t finish because I kept skipping scenes and I easily got bored of it. I think that was because of my lack of appreciation for the KonMari Method. At that time, I haven’t finished the book so my knowledge of the method mostly came from Youtube and some articles that I came across.

But this March, around the beginning of the quarantine period, I started watching it again from the beginning. I have already finished her first book and I was looking forward to seeing how to implement her method in my life.

I thought that the show was really interesting because it showed different people with different personalities and lifestyles who are at different stages of their lives. Because of these differences, they also had different needs that they wanted to address. It was interesting to see how one method of tidying was able to help them accomplish what they wanted to accomplish because they didn’t just tidy for the sake of it. They had a purpose and a goal that they wanted to reach. I think that that’s one of the interesting things with the KonMari Method. She doesn’t force you to declutter and get rid of everything. Instead, she encourages you to only keep the things that spark joy for you or things that would be purposeful in the kind of life that you want to live.

I think that keeping only the things that make you happy and would be purposeful to the kind of life that you want to lead makes a lot of sense because then, you wouldn’t be surrounded by things that you don’t use and would only probably distract you.

What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim?

Photo taken from Google Images.

I’ve started this series probably towards the end of 2019 after watching “My ID is Gangnam Beauty”. This was one of the series that I’ve been watching but I ended up putting on hold in favor of watching other things. If it wasn’t for my sister, I probably still wouldn’t have finished it. Her interest in the series actually sparked my previous interest which helped me in finally finishing it.

Admittedly, there were also some parts that I felt were a bit dragging which I tended to skip on because if I watched them, I would probably lose interest again. Without these parts, I still think the series would be good. I also think that some of the jokes in the series are more suited for more mature audiences.

Generally, I think that the series was generally funny. I think the only heavy parts in the series were those that tackled Youngjun and Miso’s kidnapping, the suicide of their captor, the death of Miso’s mother, and finding out how much trauma Youngjun had to endure alone to avoid having fights with his brother. 

I also thought that the love story between Youngjun and Miso was so cute because they met when they were still kids albeit the unpleasant and scary situation. Then they meet again as adults. Miso was unaware that Youngjun was the boy who took care of her back when they were kidnapped and who she wanted to marry. And apparently, we find out that his strictness with her through the years was because he wanted to help her improve and become a good employee so that she doesn’t feel inadequate beside her colleagues.

So that’s all for now. I’ve finished two more series as of this writing but I wanted to post them separately because I only finished them this April. I’ll try to devote one post per show so that the post won’t be so long.


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