Thursday, March 26, 2020



So this March, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared CoViD-19 as a pandemic. For the past few weeks, it has been affecting different countries and causing widespread panic and anxiety among the people.

I just wanted to write about this because I’ve been one of those people who initially didn’t feel as scared about the virus when I first heard about it last January. I didn’t feel scared because at that time, people were saying that it was in the same family as SARS and MERS-CoV which were also scary but I guess here in my country, it didn’t affect as many people and when those viruses first appeared, I was still a bit young to understand the full gravity of the situation.

Also, in January, we only had a few reported cases in my country. I think we only had about three or four confirmed cases. And I think only one of those cases resulted in death. The others were able to recover. And those numbers stayed the same until March when I think a fifth case was reported. Then from that, there had been an increase in number of people getting infected by the virus. That’s actually the time that I started getting scared because it had started rapidly increasing overnight. And then the death toll also started rising. 

I initially didn’t want to panic and I wanted to try to continue on with my life as it was. But it was getting increasingly difficult because I also started worrying about coming in contact with someone who had the virus. Since I’m working and I’m constantly around people and I also commute to and from work, I get worried that maybe wearing a mask and cleaning and disinfecting my hands wouldn’t be enough.

And now that we’re under quarantine, I’ve been reflecting about this disease and how people respond to the situation. One of the most important things that I’ve taken from this experience is to always choose to care and be compassionate. I’ve realized that caring for others is probably the best way to fight this disease. And caring for others comes in different forms like not hoarding so that everyone can have enough supplies as well, trying to help out our neighbors who are immunocompromised so that they wouldn’t have to go out and risk exposure to the virus, and even staying at home so that you decrease the possibility of the virus spreading even more.

Another thing I’ve learned is to appreciate and value your blessings and live life to the fullest. I know that I should’ve probably learned this a long time a go by now but this is a time when you truly appreciate those things because you really feel the loss of the things you were capable of doing. For example, I now really appreciate being able to go from one place to another. Being at home all day made me really appreciate my mobility because whenever I wanted to go out and do something, I can just do it. But now, I would probably be stopped at checkpoints because you can’t travel if it’s not for something that is essential or necessary. I also greatly appreciate all the luxuries provided for me like having my gadgets, books, and different materials because now that I’m at home, these are the things that keep me occupied and able to work from home. Also, I’m super thankful that I have a job that allowed me to work from home because I know that other people risk their safety just to go to work because if they don’t, they might not be able to provide for themselves and their families.

I don’t want to get too religious here but I think having a strong faith in God is also one of the things that I’ve learned in these times. I realized when everything becomes too overwhelming for me, I can pray and lift my worries up to God. I feel like by doing so, I become a bit more at peace and I have a clearer mind afterwards.

And finally, I truly realized the value of being healthy. Based from the statistics, it seemed that those who are in better health conditions are more able to recover compared to those who are already suffering from other diseases that may be aggravated by the virus.

I guess that’s all for now. I didn’t initially want to do a post about this but it has greatly affected my life this 2020 and I wanted to post my thought about it. 

Anyways, please keep safe always. Wash your hands and disinfect frequently. Get enough rest and try to do what you can at home.

Take care always.


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