Thursday, January 2, 2020

New Year, New Decade


Happy New Year!!!

I can’t believe another year has ended and we’re now at the beginning of a new year and a new decade. 

2019 seemed to fly by fast but at the same time there were times that I felt like time was so slow. I guess this was due to the fact that there had been so many events that went on. Some of these events were good and some were bad but I think in the end they helped in letting me get to know myself better.

Last year I was able to try a lot of new things which surprised me a lot because some of the things I’ve tried, I was so hesitant to do at first either because I was scared or I believed that it wasn’t for me. What surprised me was that some of these things were quite fun and apparently, there was nothing to be scared of. With this, I learned to be more adventurous and to try more things because I suddenly felt like what else was I missing out on?

I also learned how strong I really was because I was able to get through all of the challenges and setbacks that I had last year. Despite wanting to give up so many times, I still pushed on. Last year was a year wherein I truly felt defeated and burned out especially in my career life. But I didn’t give up and I pushed myself to be stronger and braver. 

I was also super inconsistent last year because I tended to lose motivation because of the challenges that I was facing. I couldn’t find the proper motivation to keep me going because I felt so helpless and tired. But I still tried to push myself because I believe and hope that everything will get better.

So since this is a new year and 2020 is the beginning of a new decade, I decided to make my resolutions simpler and more focused on self-improvement and being positive and happy. In the previous years, I had very specific resolutions that I made because I felt like those were things that I wanted to improve on but I wasn’t super sure if all of them would make me happy. Sure, they all would help me improve because most of them were health-related but I realized that they were also super specific and there were so many of them that it became difficult for me to keep up.

So this year, I made three resolutions:
1. Be more positive
I know that in the previous years that I had already been making this resolution. But the difference now is that I have plans to achieve it now compared to before when I only had a reason and motivation to do it.

So to be more positive, I hope to stop thinking negatively and to stop anticipating negative outcomes. I know that I have a tendency to become a pessimist because whenever I am given a task, future problems that might be encountered are the first things that come to my mind. I also have a tendency to feel scared of new things because my mind thinks that I might fail or that I might not be able to finish tasks.

That’s something that I want to change because I think that this limits what I do and accomplish in life because I always feel so scared of rejection and failure. So I tend to stop myself from trying something new or I feel scared to take a leap of faith. It also affects my ability to be in the moment and enjoy everything because I’m afraid of what might happen.

So now, I want to more positive and keep having good and positive vibes to be able to enjoy life more fully and be able to take risks and leaps of faith that would hopefully lead me to success and happiness.

2. Be more productive
This is also another resolution that I’ve had for a long time now because I’ve always been the type of person who want to accomplish more and to do more. But again, I always had why I wanted to do this but not how I could do this.

This year, I decided to be more productive by being consistent in finishing the things that I do. I tend to get overwhelmed with the amount of things that I need to do especially in my career life whenever multiple tasks pile up and deadline get closer and closer. I know that this is also brought about my inability to say no and keep saying yes whenever I am presented with tasks. Again, this stems from my fear of not being in control and my fear of failure and disappointing others. 

So this year, I will be working on those fears so that I can also be more productive and focus more on what really matters. I will also push myself by setting myself deadline in finishing tasks that I set up for myself because whenever I don’t give myself deadlines, I tend to take a long time or I lose interest. This is evident with my lack of blog posts last year because whenever I would start, I would keep putting things off until eventually they wouldn’t get done.

I also plan on using my weekends wisely by not sleeping all day or lying down on my bed because they are the only times that I have where I don’t have work and I could accomplish more personal to dos. Since my weekdays are usually spent at work and I have to leave early to get to work and I tend to get home late because traffic is really bad in my country, I should spend my time wisely to be able to do more things that I need and want to do. This would boost my motivation since I would feel more accomplished instead of sluggish and the same time, it might hep in boosting my self-esteem and confidence again after they took a hit due to the previous year’s events.

3. Be more adventurous
Since I allowed myself to try more things last year, I wanted to continue that into the new year because I know that this would open me up to more opportunities and to new experiences. I don’t want to live a monotonous life given that I learned that I need to have a life outside of my career life so that I could be relaxed and not stressed all the time.

So I think that these three resolutions would really help me have a better year ahead and hopefully I could maintain this throughout the rest of the year because I want to leave all the negative things that happened last year in the past. I want to move forward and be happier.

I feel like this will be a good year for me and I want to welcome it because I’m so ready for positive changes.

That’s all for now. And happy new year once again!

I hope we’ll all have an amazing year ahead.


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