Saturday, February 16, 2019

Life Update: Regular Employee


So last month, I hit a new “milestone” in my life. I was finally regularized in my current job after five months of working there.

So if you’re unaware or confused by what I’m talking about, I’ll explain it a bit for you. Here in my country, companies may require a person to undergo a probationary period after they are hired for a job. This probationary period would last up to six months maximum. Depending on the company’s policy, it may take less time similar to what I experienced. Anyways, this probationary period is a period allowed for the company to assess if someone fits well in the company or if someone performs up to par with the company’s standard. In other words, companies are given trial period to see if the newly-hired employee is suited for the company. Depending on the employee’s company fit or performance, they could become regularized or dismissed.

Going back to my “milestone”…

This is my first time experiencing becoming regularized even if my current job is already my second work experience. The reason why is because I resigned from my first job a few weeks prior to being regularized. I resigned because I was given an opportunity to work in my current job. So when I transferred, I had to experience being under probationary period again.

I knew from the start that this is something I would probably experience after transferring but I did it anyways because I knew that if I worked hard and got along well with my bosses and colleagues, I would eventually be regularized. So for the past five months before being regularized, I worked hard and of course, enjoyed the company of the people around me.

With this, I realized a few things.

One of them is that no matter how daunting the challenge may seem, I think if it’s for self-improvement and getting into something better, it would be worth it to take a risk. After all, if you work hard and have faith, eventually everything will fall into place. I think it takes an open mind as well because new things come with unexpected surprises and experiences that will eventually help you grow so I think having an open mind when coming into challenges is really helpful.

Another thing is that the uncomfortable feeling that comes with new experiences goes away. I can’t say that it goes away fast but it does especially when you try hard to find out what makes you uncomfortable with your new situation. This feeling goes away because you will eventually get into your new role as well as the novelty of the situation would wear off after a few weeks or even days.

All in all, one message that I want you to get is that don’t fear changes or challenges. They could lead you to where you want to be.

That’s all for now, bye!

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