Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thoughts: “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again”

Photo taken from Google Images.


So I’ve recently watched the movie “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” which is the sequel to the “Mamma Mia!” film adaptation which was released a few years ago.

I had really high expectations for the film because of how much I enjoyed the first movie.  And those expectations were surprisingly met. 

I think that it’s rare for me to enjoy sequels as much as the first films because a lot of the sequels that I have watched through the years seem like they weren’t as good as the first films. Sometimes, I feel that some sequels try to bank on the first film’s success which sometimes translates into poorer storyline. 

However, with this film, I really felt like it was worth the long wait.

One of the reasons why I loved the film is that the casting was so on-point. For me, there was no need to really introduce the younger versions of my beloved characters because you could already see for yourself who that person is. I think that because of that, it was easier to become more immersed in the story because I knew who was who and my attention wasn’t divided into trying to find out who the characters were and what was going on in the story.

The second thing that I loved about the movie was that they paid attention to the details in the first film. Do you ever get annoyed when you watch sequels wherein they miss out on a lot of details from the first film? In this movie, I didn’t get much of that feeling because whatever details that I remember from the first film about the character’s lives, it popped out from the storyline in the sequel which excited me because the sequel felt like it was tied together really well with the first film. I remember that even the little details like how Donna’s diary generally looked like in the first film was followed. However, there was a tiny part that bugged me for a short while because in the film, she met Harry first followed by Bill and finally, Sam. In the first film, I remember that when Sophie read her diary, the first one she met was Sam then Bill then Harry. But generally, how she seemed to meet them according to the first movie seemed to be how she met them in the sequel.

Finally, I loved that some of the songs in the first film was also used in the sequel but at the same time, there were also other new songs. That was fun for me because I liked the songs in the first film and I got to hear some of those songs again. Also, the new songs were also really good and it really got stuck in head.

All in all, I loved the movie and it was great to be able to watch it. I definitely think that it was worth the wait.

That’s all for now, bye!

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