Sunday, April 29, 2018

Update: Habits


I’ve recently started a new habit of reading a Bible passage everyday. I did this because I’ve heard some people say that it helps them keep calm because the message in the Bible helps them reflect and reorganise their thoughts. It basically helps them get their thoughts together to get out of their bad place. It inspires them and it helps them feel closer to God.

I tried this out in hopes to bring myself inner peace because of the many things that makes me feel anxious. I also hope that doing this would improve my relationship with God. So… this is one of the ways that I hope to improve myself.

When I first tried it out, I found it difficult to make it a habit because I had to search for the passage of the day and then get my Bible and then read it. It was difficult for me to do it consistently because it took some time. Also, if I was out for most of the day and I only get back later at night or I go at an overnight thing, then I wouldn’t be able to do it because I have no access to my Bible. 

So what I did to solve that was that I downloaded an app in my phone that gives a Bible passage for the day. It’s not as good as the actual passage of the day or reading the Bible but it does help because I am able to do it consistently and on-the-go.

Another thing that I’ve started to do is journaling. I used to not want to try it because I thought that it’s wasting paper and it’s tiring and not fun. However, I’ve been hearing a lot about how journaling does wonders with helping your creativity as well as it’s a form of meditation. Because of that, I decided to give it a try. It’s not like I’ll lose anything by trying it. Eventually I started loving journaling.

So what I do is I have an app that gives me journal prompts for the day. It helps me because it provides me with something to think about and then I would write down my thoughts about it. These prompts could be about anything so it’s fun because you don’t know what to expect. I noticed that it did help me relax and it helped bring out my creativity.

So it was able to accomplish things that I want it to accomplish because I tried it since I’ve reached a point in my life where I felt that I’m not as creative as I used to. I used to have great imagination and I usually had great ideas about different things but that seemed to have lessened recently. I’m not really sure why but I wanted to get back to being that creative because it helped me feel good and happy. It also helped me become productive because I had these ideas that I want to make real.

Anyways, these are the things that I’ve been up to lately. I just wanted to write about them because I wanted to remember that I started them around this time, this year.

That’s all for now, bye!

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