Sunday, April 8, 2018

February and March Reflections


I realized that I wasn’t able to write about my reflections about what happened in my life during February and now March is also over. Because of that, I decided that I will just write my reflections for these two months together.

As I have mentioned in some of my previous posts, I finally have a job. I started working last February. This means that throughout the latter half of February to early March, I was still trying to learn a lot of things for my job and I was still trying to adjust to everything about my job. So for February to March, I felt tired most of the time probably because of the many new things that I’ve been encountering as well as adjusting to this new stage of my life. 

I noticed that my weekends, especially my Saturdays, were the days that I could really do or schedule a lot things that kind of fall behind during the week. However, for the past two months, I was unable to do some of those things that I planned to do during the weekends because I just felt so drained and I tended to choose to rest or have lazy days during my weekends instead. But don’t worry because I’m already in the process of trying to change that because I really do like making use of my time in a productive way. Also, I feel like I really need to make time for things that I’m unable to do during the weekdays because if I don’t then those things would continue to add up and they would never get done.

I also realized that since I’m outside for most of the time now, I really need to make better use of my time spent at home. I should learn to prioritize things better so that I don’t end up using all my time on the computer. Since there’s so many things I want to do, I should make a more active effort to actually make time to do them so that I don’t end up feeling bad about not being able to do all the things that I’ve set for myself to do.

I’ve also realized that I’m already starting to become more mature in terms of learning to take control of my life. I used to be so indecisive about major decisions because I was so afraid of making mistakes. But now, I’ve finally started being more decisive and more responsible.

I’ve also developed a bit more self-control because I’m not as impulsive compared to how I was before I had my job. I don’t spend a lot of money anymore on junk food because I’ve been trying to spend my money more wisely so that I could buy things I really need or those things that I’ve been trying to save up for.

I’m also starting to make a more active effort to save money. I have days where I don’t spend anything at all. I also have started a plan to deposit money to my personal savings account so that when I grow old I could have money to spend.

In terms of my hobbies, I’m able to still do them and have time to enjoy almost everyday. I feel proud of myself for that because it kind of makes me feel like I have a good work-life balance.

That’s all for now, bye!

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