Monday, December 11, 2017

Thoughts: “Teenager” Performance Video

Photo taken from Google Images.


So in the last post I mentioned that I might make a post about what I thought about Got7’s “Teenager” performance video after watching it. And as you may notice…. I decided to do just that.

It didn’t actually take me this long to finally watch it but I didn’t want to write two posts about them in the same day because I know that not everyone might appreciate me doing that. So, I decided to space it out a little by writing this a few days later. But don’t worry because the thoughts that I would write here were the thoughts that I had while I was watching the video and maybe some of my thoughts after.

So I think I should begin this by saying that it’s not really the first time that I’ve heard the song because I’ve listened to it a lot ever since the “7 for 7” album came out. However, it was still interesting for me to see the video because I like that song. I think it kinda sounds different to me because I feel like it’s not like most of the songs I’ve heard before. But I think it’s different in a good and refreshing way.

(Sorry that that's all I can say about the music because I can’t really say much about it because I’m not really that knowledgeable about technical aspects of music. All I know is that if I like listening to the song then it’s good for me.)

Moving on to what I thought of the overall look of the performance video, I think the boys looked really good in the video. That’s not really that surprising to me because I’ve seen all of their music videos in the past several months that I’ve been a fan and I’ve always thought that they looked good in the videos. I don’t know if it’s just the fangirl in me so I’ll let you decide that for yourself when (or if) you watch the video.

I also liked the black and white and the colored shots because it kind of felt like it belonged with the song. Also, I think that it helped them pull off a sexy and cute look at the same time.

I think that that’s all I have to say. Sorry that it was short and maybe unhelpful but I hope you might get what I was meaning to say.

That’s all for now, bye!

For those who may want to watch the video, here’s the link to “Teenager” performance video:

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