Friday, August 11, 2017

Getting Back Up


I’ve been feeling so refreshed, inspired, and productive lately which made me want to do a blog post. In addition to that, I’ve also been more positive and happy which greatly helped me get back up on my feet and I also wanted to share that positive and happy vibes to everyone which included people who may read this.

It all started earlier this week when I felt super energized about decluttering and cleaning my room. I think it was because I saw this week as a new beginning for me after some of the slightly negative things that happened just last week. 

I am really proud of myself because this is the first time in a while wherein I really got rid of clothes that don’t fit me or they I don’t really wear them anymore. I was just in the mindset that since i didn’t want them anymore, I could give them to someone who would love them and use them. I think that kind of energy really got me in the mood of cleaning and organizing everything. I’ve also been more energetic and hard-working lately even if I don’t really have a lot of things that I have to do at the moment. It’s like I’m getting things done everyday and it makes me feel great and that I’m being productive.

Cleaning also helped in energizing me because I already put away things that I don’t need which instantly gave me some space in my room. It also energized me because I haven’t been able to clean my room in more than a month now because I was so busy preparing for law school before. So being able to clean truly made me feel like I was moving on from that.

I’ve also been sleeping earlier which is something that I haven’t done in a long time now. This is a big deal for me because I now wake up earlier as well which makes it seem like my day is longer now compared to before wherein I would wake up closer to noon time. I also think that sleeping earlier helped me feel more rested which greatly helped in making me feel more motivated to do more things.

Another thing that I have been doing is that I’m reading a book for fun. It helped me feel like I’m being productive because every time I move on to a new chapter, it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something. I also got really excited at the possibility of finally being able to finish the pile of books that I have yet to read because I used to not have enough time to read for fun.

I wanted to share these things because they are things that I’ve been doing that greatly helped me in feeling more positive and happy lately. In turn, they helped me move on from that slightly negative experiences that I’ve had recently.

I also wanted to share them with you so that if ever someone comes across this who feels like they are stuck feeling negative and unhappy, these things could possibly motivate them to try these things if they could help in getting them out of that rut.

Finally, I wanted to remind everyone that there’s always something good that’s waiting to happen for each and everyone of us. We just have to believe in that even if it doesn’t seem like it’s going to come for us. I just wanted to remind everyone about it in case no one tells you that or you just needed to hear that today. 

That’s all for now, bye!

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