Saturday, November 19, 2016

I'm Back!


I’m so sorry for the long break. I got really busy during the past few weeks and I didn’t really have enough time to sit down and take a moment to write. I was also feeling quite rundown and burned out so I took some time off for myself.

But I’m back once again!

A big event that I helped organize just recently finished and it made me so thrilled to be part of it and be one of its organizers. I was initially hesitant about taking on that kind of responsibility because it was my first time to do something related to organizing an event. I was so used to just suggesting ideas but not really needing to be in-charge with making those ideas come to life.

However, I thought that I wanted to try it since it is my last year in university since I’m about to graduate. I had a feeling that I wanted to do something nice for my organization and I thought that what better way to make a contribution than to organize one of its big events.

While doing the things that I needed to do, I felt that I was stepping out of my comfort zone a bit because I’m not someone who is good at delegating tasks because I get feelings that to get exactly what I want, I have to do it myself because if I rely on others for them, they may not get what I was trying to accomplish. I was able to overcome this thinking and I was able to delegate a lot of tasks to others because I realized that I can’t do them all by myself.

I also felt really good about being able to do something new. I even feel like I could do it again if given another chance.

So if you’re reading this and in a situation wherein you are choosing between giving a new thing a try or sticking to what you’re comfortable with, I suggest that you give the new thing a go. Maybe you’ll like it and I think that there’s really no harm in letting yourself try new things once in a while.

So… that’s all for now. I’ll try to post more regularly now. Bye!

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