Saturday, August 15, 2020

Thoughts: “Fall In Love With Me”

Photo taken from Google Images.


Last July 11, I finished watching “Fall In Love With Me” on Netflix. It is a Taiwanese series starring Aaron Yan and Tia Lee. 

I started watching this series after finishing “Just You” and I ended up loving that series. So when I learned that Aaron Yan was starring in this series too, I decided to watch it next since it was also saved on my list.

I think I saved it on my list because I wanted to watch it after being curious about it after reading the summary. I wanted to know how they were going to pull it off seeing that the girl was supposed to dislike this guy but she likes his alter ego.


[Note: Please stop reading at this point if you don’t like spoilers.]

In this series, Tia Lee plays the role of Tao Le Si who is a hard working girl who is managing OZ. OZ is Tao Le Si’s brother’s company that she was running after he passed away after an accident when he was tried to save Lu Tian Xing from getting hit by a car when Lu Tian Xing and Tao Le Si were still kids.

On the other hand, Lu Tian Xing is a CEO of Sky Rider which is a big advertising company.

One day, Lu Tian Xing decided to take a break because he wanted to take a step back and rediscover his passion for what he was doing. It wasn’t that he was not doing well at his job, but he was starting to feel like he was losing his passion for creating stories that would touch people’s hearts through his advertisements.

After he decided to announce his break at a press junket, he tried to run away from his friend and Sky Rider’s COO, Lance by going out while disguising himself. After getting out of the building, he was walking around and he came across the OZ team who were trying to shoot a commercial. He ended up helping them as Xiao Lu. There, he found out that OZ wasn’t doing so well.

We eventually learn that OZ actually holds a special place in Lu Tian Xing’s heart because he met Tao Le Si’s brother before and he was the one who inspired him to go into advertising to make commercials that would touch people’s hearts and make an impact on the viewers.

So of course, when he learned that OZ wasn’t doing so well, he wanted to help out. At first, he tried to buy it off of the Tao family but they didn’t want to because that was their son’s company and they would like to hold on to it for him and for Tao Le Si who also dreams to be like her brother. After failing to buy it off from the Tao family, he decided to help the OZ team by continuing to pretend to be Xiao Lu and going to work there for minimum to no charge. He just tells them that he really wants to help because he’s a fan of the advertisements done by OZ.

While working together, Tao Le Si and Lu Tian Xing develops feelings for each other. Of course, on Tao Le Si’s part, she thought that she loves Xiao Lu and still dislikes Lu Tian Xing for being arrogant and trying to take OZ from her and her family. But she also learns a lot from him because he teaches her to become more of a leader and learn how to handle difficult situations without letting her emotions take control.

Because Lu Tian Xing fell in love with Tao Le Si but she loved Xiao Lu, he decided to stop pretending to be Xiao Lu so that Tao Le Si could fall in love with him instead. But that ended up complicating things further because Tao Le Si got really upset and sad when Xiao Lu left and cannot be contacted especially after she confesses her feelings for him.

With this, Lu Tian Xing decided that maybe he could live as Xiao Lu and make Lu Tian Xing disappear because if Tao Le Si could only love Xiao Lu, then he was okay to live that life as long as they were together.

But of course, no lie can be hidden forever. Tao Le Si soon learns that Xiao Lu and Lu Tian Xing are one person. She feels mad at him for lying to her and for scheming to get ownership of OZ after she lets Xiao Lu gets a share of the company after lending money to help keep OZ running. She thought that that was his way of cheating them to handing him over more shares so that he can take control of OZ. But actually, we know that he did that because he truly cares for her and the company.

Skipping to the end, they end up getting married after a lot of obstacles have come their way.

All in all, I actually liked the plot line of the story but I think around half of it was not as interesting as I had hoped. I thought that maybe if they didn’t have to fill that many episodes, the story would have been better because a lot of crazy things happened that seemed so unnecessary and irrelevant. It kind of made me lose some interest in the story.

But the first part was really nice because although it had a bit of drama, it still felt a bit lighthearted because there were a lot of comedic reliefs and interesting side stories.

But since I wanted to know what would happen in the end, I decided to keep watching and power through the many episodes.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be watching it again but I think I would recommend it for those who like really like watching drama series just because I don’t think everyone would have enough patience to sit through this if they weren’t that interested in watching these types of shows.

That’s all for now, bye!

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