Saturday, June 20, 2020

Thoughts: BTS 2020 Festa

Photo taken from Google Images.


From June 1 to 13, we were treated to two weeks of BTS 2020 Festa contents. I was actually unable to keep track of all releases and posts because I was going to work during week one and on week two, I was really busy while working from home.

I was able to see and listen to bits during the weekdays but I watched most of the Youtube contents on June 13. I had a BTS 2020 Festa marathon that day.

This was my first BTS Festa as an Army and I was really excited about it. 

Profile Photos

I saw the complete profile photos uploaded on their Facebook page. I really wish that I could understand Korean because I want to be able to read what they wrote and understand it. Because of this, I’m more motivated to step up studying Korean so that I can easily read and understand. Also, I had it saved so that I can learn reading from it.

Family Portraits and Photo Collection

I also the family portraits and photo collection on their Facebook page. I loved all the photos. The portraits were really cute and fun which I thought captured their personalities well and they were really visually aesthetic. For the photo collection, it was nice to look back at their previous year’s memories.

“Still With You” by Jungkook

I first listened to the song last June 7 which was about two days late because the song was released on June 5. But I liked it. It kind of had a slow romantic Italian or Spanish song feel for me. It actually feels quite sad especially because there was like a rain pouring sound at the beginning and I think on some other parts of the song. It was really soft but I could kinda hear it. But the message of the song was really sweet. I think it’s a song for Armys. It seems like Jungkook was singing about his love for Armys and that he wants to stay by our side even as years go by. I guess he really cherishes the love and support of Armys.

“We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal” music video

I first watched the music video on June 13. I’ve already previously listened to the song which is why when I saw that we were getting a music video for it, I was really happy.

I actually loved this song because they reflected on their past struggles until they were able to reach their current status. But they didn’t forget to thank their Armys who supported them through it all 

The music video was animated and the animation was really nice. I was not an Army when they started but thanks to this video, I got to learn a lot more about their struggles through this video. I actually researched a lot of the references made throughout the video and it really broke my heart at the amount of struggles that they had to go through. I think their current status and success is well-deserved.

Choreography Uploads

For the Anpaman dance summer version, I thought that it was so cute because they seemed to be having fun. They were just vibing and just enjoying.

For the Dionysus stage rehearsal and 2018 MAMA rehearsal, even if they were just doing their rehearsals, they were really doing their dances well and they were really passionate in their dancing. Even if they were aware of being filmed, I really appreciated the hard work that they put into their performances even if it was just for a rehearsal. 

Answer: BTS 3 Units

Until today, I haven’t fully watched these three videos because I’ve been finding hard to focus on watching interviews lately. But I had these videos saved as well because I want to watch them fully when I can concentrate better.

Map of the Song 7

This video came at a perfect time for me because I was missing Run BTS. The video was so funny because they were just having fun and singing karaoke. I also loved how competitive they were about getting prizes. They were really chaotic in this video but it was nice to watch.

BTS 2020 Festa Anniversary Day Video

This was actually the only video that I watched on the day that it was released. I wasn’t able to watch their first anniversary video but it was so cute that during the preparation for their anniversary party, they were assigned the same tasks that they had as their first anniversary party preparation. 

I also loved the heart to heart because I felt like I got to know them more through that because they were opening up about what was on their minds given the topics that they picked. Also, I was really touched at what Namjoon said about being thankful for new Armys even if we weren’t there since they debuted. 

All in all, I thought the BTS Festa was a nice way to celebrate with the boys. It was also a nice thing to look forward to especially during this pandemic because despite the unpleasant things that have been happening, this is a good thing to see. It kind of takes your mind off of the stress and negativity of the unpleasant things.

That’s all for now, bye!

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