Saturday, May 2, 2020

April 2020 Reflections


So I think April had been a less chaotic month for me compared to March. I think this is mostly because I’ve gotten used to life under community quarantine. For the whole month of April, we were still under the Enhanced Community Quarantine which started last March. The initial shock of not being able to go anywhere and having to adjust to a lot of things had probably worn off because I was able to start a new routine for myself. I wasn’t having as much trouble at working from home because I learned how to schedule my day better and to actually devote time for working. I also learned to make time for my other hobbies as well so that I could also do them without having them taking up all of my time.

I think my biggest worry for April was about our family’s financial status but I don’t really want to disclose much about that here. What I’m just willing to share about it is that I think this community quarantine has a big effect on our family’s financial status but I’m quite hopeful that we will be able to bounce back because we’ve been praying for God’s help so that we could go through this and be able to get back up on our feet. I’m actually a big believer in praying to God about your worries because He has always answered my prayers. It may not be an immediate answer or an answer that I was expecting but He always comes through. So I know that we just have to do everything we can and have faith that God will help us.

Aside from my worries, I think I’ve been doing okay about everything else. I think I’m even doing well in some aspects. I’ve also been pretty productive because I’ve been accomplishing a lot of things despite feeling unmotivated sometimes. Whenever I felt unmotivated, I pushed myself to do the things I need to do. But if something isn’t necessary, I learned to let it go for a while and save it for another day. I think that helped me a lot because I don’t feel very stressed because I don’t make myself feel guilty about not being able to accomplish everything on my to do list. As long as I am able to finish my priority tasks, I’m happy.

I’ve also learned a lot about myself during April. I listed them down so that it would be more organized.

I learned that timing myself using apps like Forest helps me focus on the tasks at hand and they help me feel and be more productive. Since I don’t like seeing dead trees in my forest, I usually focus on my tasks and avoid using my phone while the timer is running. This forces me to focus on what I’m doing instead of going on my phone and checking social media.

I’ve actually used this app before while I was in college and for some time, it helped me. But then after a while, I wasn’t using it to its full potential so I ended up deleting it.

I rediscovered the joys of reading this month. I know that I’ve already finished one book this year last February. But this time, I’ve actually gotten back to reading everyday. I don’t think I read as fast as I used to but at least I’ve finished my second book for the year. (I’ll upload about it soon.) I think I’ve already read more books this year compared to the past two years which makes me so happy because I’m making progress into getting back my old good habits.

I’ve learned how much I enjoyed writing. I’ve been writing a lot in my journal and here in my blog for the month. I’m don’t think my writing is up to par with how a writer really write but I’ve been enjoying it a lot lately. It’s really relaxing and it acts as an outlet for me in putting my thoughts into written words which helps me organize my thoughts better and explore them. I really hope that when everything goes back to normal, I can continue and keep up my writing.

I learned that I love being able to express my creativity in any way. I loved being able to design and create something from my thoughts. I hope that I can also continue this when things go back to normal because they really help in calming me down and making me feel very happy.

Finally, I learned to control my perfectionist tendencies a bit. I used to hate things not turning out the way I want them to. They annoy me until I get rid of them. But lately, I learned to control this because not everything can really be fixed by getting rid of them or starting over. Sometimes, I just need to accept things as they are. So I learned to do just that. I still get annoyed by it sometimes and I don’t know how I’ll fare once everything goes back to normal but right now, I’ve been able to let the little things go.

So these are the things that I’ve learned about myself and have been experiencing in April. I’m quite hopeful for the coming months ahead. I hope that everything goes well and that they’ll bring happier news and situations.

That’s all for now, bye!

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