Saturday, April 25, 2020

Thoughts: “Just You”

Photo taken from Google Images.


Last April 6, I finished watching “Just You”on Netflix. It’s a Taiwanese series starring Aaron Yan and Puff Kuo.

This was the series that I immediately started after watching “When I See You Again”. It was one of the shows that I’ve added on my list in Netflix. I added it because I saw Aaron Yan’s photo and his looks kind of reminded me of BTS’ V. At that time, I didn’t really know who Aaron Yan was but I just thought that he looked cute because he looked a bit like V. I know some people may not agree with me on this but sometimes when the male lead actors are cute, their looks catches my attention and there’s a higher chance for me to read through the summaries which helps me decide if I’d be interested in the show or movie. My second reason is that the summary seemed interesting to me.


[Please be prepared for spoilers now.]

The series started with Qi Yi moving back to his childhood home after buying it back after an auction. Meanwhile, Cheng Liang Liang had been living in that house because she had been renting it for a couple of months. And with their current situation, of course they started to butt-heads. None of them wanted to move out because they both had strong reasons to be there. Yi because he bought the house at the auction and Liang Liang because she already paid for her rent and signed a contract with her landlord.

That same day, Liang Liang’s office were preparing for the arrival of their new CEO and they were excited for her friend Kai Te who will be proposed to by her longtime boyfriend and their co-worker, Alex. Then they found out that their new company’s CEO is Yi. This makes things awkward for Liang Liang because their new boss is the guy who’s making her move out of her rented house and who she had an argument with that morning. What makes things worse was that Yi’s first policy was that he was banning office romance and whoever breaks the new policy will be terminated. He did this just at the moment when Alex was proposing to Kai Te prompting him to stop and fear for his job since he also helps out his family by sending them money. Kai Te, frustrated that her plans for her life are not going as she had planned it and that her boyfriend decided to not propose to her, was really upset.

Seeing her friend being upset because of the new policy, Liang Liang tries to talk to Yi to about taking down the policy but he doesn’t budge. So Liang Liang, Kai Te, and their friend Princess decided to come up with a plan to make Yi fall in love with Liang Liang so that he’ll be forced to take down the policy so that he could be in a relationship with her. Liang Liang was initially hesitant about their plan because she and Yi didn’t get along but she decided to push through with it for Kai Te.

Through a series of events, Yi and Liang Liang start getting along and developing feelings for each other. However, Yi was still adamant about keeping the policy on the ban of office romance. And eventually, we learn the reason why. Years ago, Yi fell in love and got engaged to his co-worker, Jia Yu. But Jia Yu left him and went to New York with a man named Jerry. 

Things seemed to be going well for Yi and Liang Liang until one day, Jia Yu came back wanting to get back together with Yi. Her return really put a strain on Yi and Liang Liang’s relationship. But in the end, Liang Liang stood up for her and Yi’s relationship and she declared her love for him and kissed him in front of Jia Yu and her work colleagues.

In the end, Yi’s parents reconcile and got re-married on the same day that Kai Te and Alex also got married.

FYI, Yi never took back his policy. But we learned that he was actually going to step down from being the company’s CEO to transfer to a bigger company. He will then be replaced by Han Po who used to work in the company before resigning because he decided to pursue a relationship with Cui Xia who was one of their co-workers. And as his first order of business, he removed the ban on office romance.

Another FYI, when Yi gave the office romance ban policy, everyone in the office eventually started developing feelings for each other. In the end, they ended dating each other apart from Dean who seemed to not have been dating anyone by the end of the series.

Finally, Liang Liang continued to live with Yi and his family in their home. Yi also ended up proposing to Liang Liang after his parents’ and Kai Te and Alex’ weddings.

I actually really loved this series because it was so funny and light-hearted. There wasn’t much drama which made it so easy to watch. I also thought that Aaron Yan and Puff Kuo had a really good onscreen chemistry.

One of the things that I found weird in the series was after Yi banned office romance, everybody seemed to start developing feelings for a colleague. It didn’t happen immediately and simultaneously but throughout the series they started to find love with their colleagues. Initially, I thought the policy would only be Kai Te and Alex’ problem since they were a couple from the beginning of the series. Then it would become Liang Liang’s problem as well because she would want Kai Te to be happy. But I didn’t expect that everyone else would also find love with their co-workers.

I also found it weird that at the end, Liang Liang and Yi lived as a couple with Yi’s parents in the same house. I know that Yi already bought the place and it would make sense that he would want his parents to live there since it was their home before Yi’s dad started to have financial problems. But I found it weird that Liang Liang would opt to stay there as well.

Anyways, since the series had ended years ago, I don’t think there would be a sequel for it in the near future. But I actually wished that Yi and Liang Liang would get married in the end and have their own home together. But I guess I’m satisfied enough that at least they were engaged by the end of the series.

That’s all for now, bye!

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