Sunday, February 2, 2020

January 2020 Reflections


So January was a month that seemed to be a rollercoaster ride. It was filled with many ups and downs. I was able to accomplish the things I wanted to do but at the same time, there’s still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to consistency and perseverance.

For one, I was a bit more consistent in writing and journaling. Although, I don’t think it translated very well in my blog which I’m kind of disappointed about. Anyway, I was able to keep up my bullet journal by staying up to date with my schedule as well as writing my thoughts and ideas more. I think that the novelty of what I was doing and the creativity that it allowed me helped me stay motivated and encouraged me use my journal more often. I hope that this continues in the coming months and years ahead because it honestly helped me get more creative in my approach to a lot of things.

I was also able to do more of what I wanted like finishing shows and movies that I’ve wanted to watch since last year as well as collecting more albums. 

Regarding the shows and movies, I was ecstatic to finally finish two series and a movie which have been on my Netflix’ list for a long time. However, I was unable to finish three shows that I’ve started because those three shows felt less exciting to me. I guess I haven’t reached the climax portions yet because it seems like things are only beginning or I’m in some sort of plateau. Anyway, I decided to stop watching one of those series since I wasn’t very interested in that show anymore although I still plan on finishing the other two. 

And then about my album buying, I bought four Twice albums this month and I ordered one BTS album and one Astro album that would be coming by March. I hope my orders come sooner but I guess I’ll really need to be patient to get my hands on them. For some reason, buying these albums really make me happy regardless of what others around me are saying. Even if they tell me that it’s a waste of money to buy these albums because I probably won’t be interested in them forever, I still don’t regret them because I know that they’ve made me incredibly happy at some point in my life and they are somewhat a representation of me and what I’ve loved at this point in my life.

My career life was probably the aspect of my life that had been the most bumpy throughout the month. I’m not going to be talking about it much because I don’t want to dwell on the negatives and the things I’m unsure of. But I’m seriously considering a career shift at the moment. I feel like I would thrive more at a job that allows me to be more creative because I like being able to think outside the box or do things that people could enjoy or be inspired of. Honestly, I’m still in the process of deciding and I don’t want to rush on this because this is a really big decision that would greatly affect my life.

Anyways, I can’t also help but reflect on the many sad and scary news that have been springing up this month. I honestly know that these knees have affected me emotionally and mentally that I felt sad and scared when I heard these news and further updates. But I don’t really want to look at it as entirely bad because I know for a fact that it doesn’t feel very good when during the first month of the year and of the decade, there’s so many sad and scary news. So I decided to also look at the brighter side of these news because in these situations we also see people’s capacity to be kind and generous. I also think that these things happen for us to learn to reflect on our actions and change for the better. Also, I also try to search for more positive news to balance out the negative news.

Anyways, those are my thoughts about what happened this January.  My greatest takeaway from all of this is that if things are bad now, find a way to make things better. Don’t keep waiting for change and try to initiate it instead.

I hope you’ve also been able to take something positive from this month and know that we could always have better days ahead. Bye!

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