Monday, December 18, 2017

Mental Health and Unconditional Love


So I think by now, I have established that I’m a big fan of Got7. Because of that, I have followed individuals or a group of individuals who made fan pages about them. And recently, I’ve heard from these fan pages some really sad news. The news isn’t related to Got7 at all but it was about the death of a Kpop idol, Jonghyun from Shinee. I think that this came as a shock to a lot of people because he was so young and no one probably saw it coming. 

Now, you may think “Why did she bring this up?”. 

I brought it up because his death was said to have been because of suicide. Some said that he may have been suffering from depression.

I kind of wanted to talk about this because the news inspired me to write about mental health awareness.

I’m not sure if you know this, but I graduated with a degree in Psychology and because of that, I’ve been supporting mental health awareness. I support it because I do believe that mental health is really important for our overall health. I believe that it is important for a person to be mentally healthy, especially nowadays, because of the many things going on around us that may overwhelm us or make us feel isolated in this world. 

I know that this may be a sensitive topic to some but I hope this urges you to reach out to people even if they don’t exhibit signs of depression because I believe that making people feel like someone is out there caring and listening to them, giving them unconditional love, might help them. That act of love can possibly help someone get out of that negative bubble that they might be stuck in. 

Also, don’t be insensitive. People don’t commit suicide because they lack courage to face the hardships in life. They have courage and they probably fought off those thoughts that told them to do it. It’s just that when they were probably really vulnerable, that thought may have won. 

I’m so sorry that this post may not seem as positive and happy as the usual posts I do but this sad news made me want to urge everyone to start caring and listening to others. It doesn’t have to be a big gesture to show someone your unconditional love but talk to them and say nice things to them. You don’t know whose life you may save because of that.

I think that’s all for now, I’m sorry that some parts may not seem as coherent as I would like because my mind is running with a lot of things I want to say and it’s hard to catch-up. But I hope my message gets across to you: don’t be afraid to show someone you care or be that person who spreads love and care because there’s not a lot of that going around in the world today.

And if you’re the person in need of someone to talk to to maybe help you through what you’re going through, maybe I can help you. Feel free to message me or don’t be afraid to seek a professional near you. It’s not something to be ashamed of, okay?


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