Monday, July 3, 2017

Last Week and New Beginnings


I’m super sorry for the late post! I was really busy over the last week that I wasn’t able to take some time to sit down and write something.

So… the last week was filled with a lot of big moments for me. I was finally able to graduate from college which signified the end of my studies for my bachelor degree but at the same time, it kind of signified that I’m about to start on a new stage in my life which is taking up law school. I think that this kind of put me in a point where I’m super happy because I was finally able to go one step closer to my goals but at the same time, it put me in a place where I feel nervous and unsure of what’s about to happen.

Throughout my studies for my bachelor degree, I tried to plan out everything to lead up to law school. However, lately, I’m starting to feel nervous and I’m starting to get second thoughts about whether I could handle law school or not. Good thing that my family keeps encouraging me and cheering me up. Their encouragement  lead me to decide that I don’t want to give up on my dreams of becoming a great lawyer someday and I hope I don’t get discouraged on my way there. I also decided that I want to take a more positive attitude about things and maybe strengthen my faith so that I don’t give into negative thoughts so easily. I’m writing this now because writing about things helps me clear my mind and somehow get myself together.

I also wanted to say that I might not be able to try to keep up with my desire to blog every two weeks. However, since I don’t want to give up blogging since it became sort of like my passion project, I will still post whenever I feel like it. This way, I won’t run out of things to say and I won’t force myself to write things when I don’t really have to say anything. At the same time, it would allow me to post whenever I want without having to wait for the scheduled date.

That’s all for now, bye!

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