Saturday, March 11, 2017

Big Moments


I apologize for posting late today. I wasn’t able to finish writing this post when I was supposed to finish it because a lot of things came up that I needed to do. I also had a huge test that was scheduled earlier today which I prioritized.

So moving on to my actual post…

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before but I’m about to graduate from college. I’m going to graduate this year and I’ll finally be able to get my Bachelor’s Degree. I’m quite excited about it but at the same time, I’m a bit nervous about my future because I plan to study again to get a degree in Law. So this means that I’m once again applying to different schools and taking exams so that I could get into a law school.

During this process, I’ve felt that even if it’s kind of similar to my experience while I was applying for college about four years ago, I’ve been feeling more adult and responsible for the process. Maybe it’s because I’m actually an adult now compared to before because I was a teenager then but I also think that it might be due to the fact that the whole process somehow makes a person feel more adult.

I’m not gonna lie and say that I’m holding up exceedingly well but at the same time… when I sit back and think about what’s happening in my life right now, I feel quite excited as well. Excited about the many possibilities that’s opening up and how close they seem.

Maybe by now you’re asking what the point of this post is. Well I wrote this for people like me out there who might be in the middle of a process or situation that has a huge impact for their future. I want to tell you that you’re not alone and there are also people out there who understand what you’re going through right now. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with everything, it’s okay because you’re only human but you have to also rise up to the occasion because who else would take charge of the course of your life other than you?

You could also learn to take a step back to take a breather just so that you don’t feel too overwhelmed. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break once in a while.

So to all of you out there who are also undergoing similar things as me… here’s a little reminder to take a breather and not let all the events take complete control of your life. Learn to take it easy as well so that you don’t miss other possibly important moments.

Good luck!


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