Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017 Resolutions


It’s been about two weeks since the start of the new year, but I still wanted to post my resolutions because I think that by posting it, I’m sharing it with more people and it kind of helps me by pushing me to follow through what I say I want to do.

Also, because I think that when I posted my resolutions last year, it helped me stay on track because it motivated me to keep going even if sometimes, I felt like I was failing at doing my resolutions.

Anyway… here are my 2017 new year’s resolutions.

1. Eat healthier and exercise more.

I included this in my new year’s resolutions because I felt like it’s something that I still need to work on in terms of making it a habit or fully incorporating it in my life. I started it last year but it’s something that I want to continue and improve on this year.

I also included this because last December, I was able to find an app that helped me keep track of my workouts and it also served as my trainer at home because the closest gym to my house is kind of far away and I don’t like going out a lot because of the heavy traffic. Anyway… because of that app, I was able to exercise almost everyday during my holiday break.

2. Read more.

I included this because as I may have mentioned before, I’m the type of person who loves to read. However, lately, reading for fun is not something that I get to do often. So I included this in my resolutions because I want to get back to reading more. I especially want to finish all of the books that I have in my pile because I feel like I’m so out of the loop lately when it comes to reading and books.

3. Be more positive.

I included this because I thought that this is very important for me because I’m the type of person who easily gets anxious and stressed about a lot of things so being more positive is something that helps me stay calm in times when I feel like everything is so chaotic.

I also realized that whenever I’m positive, it somehow attracts positivity.

4. Study better.

I included this because even if I’m already graduating, I still want to be able to achieve high grades because let’s face it, it makes us happy to get them. I also think that since it’s already my last semester for my bachelor’s degree, I should give it my best shot since it’s kind of my last hurrah for that chapter of my life.

So these are the resolutions that I’ve made for this year. I may add to these when I feel like it because I realized that setting goals for yourself doesn’t have to only happen during the start of a new year.

That’s all for now… bye!

P.S. Have you seen the video of the little girl talking about change? She’s so cute and she made a lot of good points didn’t she?

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