Saturday, December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016 and Hello 2017!


I can’t believe that this would be my last post in 2016 but here it is…

2016 was a year filled with so many ups and downs not just for me, personally, but probably for the whole international community.

A lot of posts I see online sometimes talk about how 2016 was filled with a bit more downs than ups so they hope that 2017 would be a much better year.

I don’t necessarily view 2016 that way because I still think that all the positives still outweigh the negatives but I do agree with probably everyone, that hopefully,2017 would be a much better year not just for ourselves but also for the whole of international community.

So here’s to a happy and successful 2017 for everyone!

That’s all for now, bye and happy new year to everyone!

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