Sunday, May 29, 2016

To All Fangirls Out There…


First of all, I’d like to apologize once again because I missed the days when I was supposed to upload. I just got really busy this month because I had a lot of schoolwork that I had to finish. But now that it’s my break I could give more time for blogging!

As I have posted before, one of my resolutions for 2016 was to finish more books than I did last year. And this earlier part of May, I was able to add another book to the list of books I finished this year.

The book I read is “Fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell. I bought the book together with “Eleanor and Park” because they were in a box set together and they were on sale. Also, I liked how the colors looked together which attracted me even more to buying them.

I really loved this book because it’s really set in modern times and it often cited popular references which really excited me whenever I came across them.

I also thought that the storytelling was great because there were some twists in the story’s plot that I didn’t really saw coming… or maybe because I was too immersed with what was happening that I didn’t really think to look that far ahead until it hit me. Either way, I loved how the events unfolded but I felt that the end was a bit of a cliffhanger because I wanted to know more and I didn’t really want it to end yet.

Another thing that I loved in the book was that the characters seemed really relatable because even if their characteristics seemed a bit exaggerated probably to get the point across, I felt that these characters could actually exist in real life. Also, I could relate to the main character, Cath, because I am also a dedicated fangirl. I remember a time when I was so into the Twilight Saga that I would cut newspaper or magazine clippings of interviews or anything related to Twilight. Also, since I couldn’t really afford to buy all those memorabilia, I tried to get collector’s edition magazines, the Twilight journal that came in a tin box, and other promotional stuff from the movies. I also remember saving the movie tickets whenever we would watch it in the cinema. Reading the book reminded me of all that and I felt nostalgic of that time when I had a lot of free time to fangirl and that time when I had spare time to find things to fangirl about.

Because of all that, I would definitely recommend this book. It’s generally light-hearted and funny that it’s good to read when you’re feeling stressed. Also, to all the fangirls out there I think that this is a good book to read because you’d be able to totally relate to it especially if you write or used to write fanfiction.

That’s all for now, bye!

P.S. Sorry for the blurry picture.

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