Saturday, January 23, 2016

Little Rays of Sunshine

Photo taken from Google Images.

Hello! So there are lots of people who are what we usually call pessimistic. These pessimists often think negatively even before something begins, kind of like they were expecting it to go negatively even before it begins. I used to be one of them. I used to not expect so much from certain things, people, or even events in my life. Sometimes, I felt like I just had to do things to get through them.
But I realized that when I feel or think that way, I’m kind of setting myself up for failure. I realized that it seems like I’ve given up before I even tried and that’s just not the right way to go about things in life because one of the things I’ve learned is that in life, you have to keep encouraging yourself not to give up when the going gets tough because that would lead you to a life full of constant failure and misery.

I got inspired by a friend who’s an optimist. She’s always thankful over the things or blessings she receives and when she’s faced with difficulties she faces it with a positive outlook.

Another person who pushed me to stop always thinking so negatively is my mom. She said that having a negative outlook on everything would make me feel defeated and that having a positive outlook and thinking of positive things would attract the good things because it makes me a magnet of good things.

So I thought to myself “Why not try it out?” It’s not like I would lose anything if I just try to start thinking more positively about things.

So for those who are pessimists but wants to try being more optimistic here’s some of the things that I do or had started to be more optimistic.

So one of the first things I did was I tried to change my attitude about taking on things that some might say is difficult. For example, instead of thinking “Oh no! People say that this is too difficult. I would probably struggle with this.” I now think “People have said that this is difficult. Maybe if I put more effort it wouldn’t be so bad. It wouldn’t hurt to try.” When I started this, I felt that maybe this won’t work because you can’t really change how difficult something is just by thinking that they might not be as difficult if you put more effort into it or thinking I could do it. However, I noticed that since I did put more effort into doing these difficult things because I expected that doing so would lead to good outcomes, they did turn out better. I guess when you don’t start out feeling defeated and feeling like everything is against you, you don’t feel so much stress and anxiety which helps you perform better.

Another thing I did was always aim for the best. It might not sound realistic or easy but I guess if you think you can be the best you start performing better because you have a goal that you think you can achieve. Plus, it’s not bad to aim high and it wouldn’t hurt you so if you want to you could.

Lastly, I prayed for everything. Now, this might not be applicable to all. However, I did this because I felt that whenever I prayed, my worries are lifted and I feel like I have someone powerful to give me blessings. I guess if you don’t practice the same belief as I have you can substitute this with meditation or other things that you believe could help you.

So these three things are what I did to be more optimistic and you can try it out if you want. I’m not saying that this is the best way to look at things because it varies among people.

If you have more things to add to the list you can comment it.


P.S. Here's a picture I found that I really like and I thought maybe some of you may like it too.

Photo taken from Google Images.

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