Saturday, January 9, 2016

December 2015 Book Favorites

Last December 2015, I tried to catch up with reading because I noticed that I wasn’t reading much during the semester. I have always loved to read so realizing that I wasn’t doing it that much made me a bit disappointed with myself.

But enough about that… among the books that I have finished last year (although, admittedly I was only able to read a few books), I have two which really made me feel excited and just overall happy the whole time I was reading them.

The first is “The Heir” by Keira Cass. I think that this book is a part of her Selection Series. It tells the story of Eadlyn Schreave, the daughter of America Singer and Prince Maxon (from the first three books of the series). I’m not going to reveal all the details of the book but basically… she’s the heir and that the story is about her Selection. I loved this book because I really love the fact that I get to know what happens after for America and Maxon and I get to experience reading about their children. Also, it’s so exciting that this time, a girl is in charge of the Selection. It makes you see the two sides of the competition because if you’re into the series for the first three books, it’s in the perspective of America Singer who is one of the Selected girls to compete while in “The Heir” you’ll be reading in the perspective of Eadlyn who is basically the one in charge of the Selection and the one that the guys are competing for.

The next book is “Four” by Veronica Roth. I’m not really sure if that’s the full title but it’s the collection of her short stories in Four’s point of view. I loved this book because I read it after reading all of the Divergent Series and I felt like by reading it, I got to extend my time in their world. Also, I have really loved Four because his character, even if he wasn’t exactly the main hero of the three books, he was strong yet vulnerable. We saw how he struggled with his vulnerabilities and how he was a strong character because he’s one of those characters that have experienced a lot of difficulties in life from an abusive father, to being left by his mother (for some time), and to having the love of your life die. We see his growth during the three books but in this short stories collection, we see how he started from being Tobias Eaton from Abnegation, the son of Marcus Eaton to the Four that we know.

Those are my two favorite(?) books during the Christmas time. I put a question mark at favorite because I feel that all the books I read is a favorite in some way because while I was reading it, it was the book that I keep thinking about.

If you’re interested to read these books you can check them out. They’re available in book stores. Tell me what you think if you’ve read them too.

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