Friday, January 15, 2016

Back to School Goals and Tips

Photo taken from Google Images.

Hello! So it’s back to school time (but some of you may already have gone back to school a few days or even a week ago). Since it’s a new year and a new semester for me I decided to think of ways to improve my school experience for the coming semester and the future semesters to come.
I have been trying to do this ever since I came to college (and I think even before that) but similar to my previous new year’s resolutions, I have difficulty in following through with them. But since this year I tried something new which is actively trying to make these resolutions happen, I decided why not keep making these goals to improve myself which, of course, includes improving my study habits and all things related to my school experience. Plus, when I think about it, these goals and ways to improve myself is somehow part of my resolutions. I guess they are just a bit more specific.

These are some of the things that I have decided to do based on my previous experiences:

Photo taken from Google Images.

1.  Prioritize.
It’s not really that I don’t know my priorities because I am aware of what’s important… but there are times when I get so focused on something because I enjoy it more than the other things that I have to do that I tend to set aside the other things until it’s a bit late or there isn’t enough time to divide them among the many other things I have to do.

So my plan for this is to keep up with my planner and update it regularly. To further that, I plan on making a monthly tabular planner so I can see everything for the month. I feel like a combination of a weekly planner and monthly planner might be a lot to keep up but at least it would keep me organized plus I wouldn’t be taken by surprise. Also, since I’m a bit of a visual person, it would greatly help me plan things out because I’d be able to see everything.

Also, I want to keep making to do lists and notes. I just do this for better remembering things. This is my way of coping with my sometimes bad memory and at the same time it helps in improving my memory.

Photo taken from Google Images.

2.  Give more time to study.
Although I felt like I had no time to do a lot of the things I love during the previous years, I know and I noticed that one of its causes was that I was easily distracted. So now, I want to be able to study more or give more time for it because I feel that I could have gotten higher grades if I just allotted more time for studying.

To do this, I plan to take notes while I read so that I don’t have to re-read everything when the exams or quizzes come. In relation to this, I also plan to highlight better what I’m reading. I used to always just use one color and I usually highlight almost the whole page so when I look back at the readings there’s a tendency to have a difficult time finding the very important things. I also plan to maybe study and do my readings first before doing other things like going online to check my social media and watching videos so that they could serve as rewards and not distractions.

Photo taken from Google Images.

3.  Take better care of myself.
During my first semester in college, I was able to have better balance because I had less units or loads that I had to take. But the semesters after that, I just had this bad habit of sleeping late, not exercising, and eating a lot of junk food. Because of these bad habits, I started gaining weight which escalated to being overweight and being unhappy with my body image and at the same time I started breaking out even more. So now, I have decided that I want to avoid all of that as much as I can because I’m not being very nice to my body. I feel like that sort of lifestyle would affect me real bad in the long run.

For this, I plan to try to sleep earlier and drink more water. Also, I plan to eat healthier and do the quick workouts that I have been doing since the start of the year. This way I’d have more energy and I wouldn’t feel so weak and tired all the time.

So these are my plans to improve my school life for the coming semester onwards. I think that they might be a bit tough to stick with but I really want to try them and incorporate them in my life so that they become a habit and then I wouldn’t have to see it as hard work because it’s already part of my routine. These are also my tips for those of you who are like me who are always looking for ways to improve yourself.

If you want to try them out or improve them that’s well and good. Tell me how it goes or if it works out for you. Also, if you have different ideas or if you want to add to these plans/tips feel free to let me know.

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