Sunday, January 2, 2022

2021 End of Year Reflections


2021 had been such an eventful year for me. It’s been filled with many ups and downs that it seemed as if life suddenly caught up to me after it paused a bit last year when the pandemic broke out.

Getting Covid was, I think, the worst thing that has happened to me last year. I experienced some symptoms such as fever, coughs, and colds. The fever only lasted for about two to three days but the coughs and colds lasted for a few weeks. My coughs were especially bad because there were times that it was a bit difficult to breath because I would cough continuously and I would turn red from coughing a lot. On top of that, my whole family was infected. My dad’s case was the worst case among us because he had to be hospitalized since he was having difficulty breathing and his oxygen level went worryingly low. Thankfully, we all recovered well and we’re all doing fine.

But after that, I think things piled up at work while I was sick that when I got back, I felt so overwhelmed with all of the work that had to be done and all the new tasks that were coming up. It didn’t help that around the middle part of the year, we were so busy that I couldn’t even rest on the weekends because even if we were at home, we were expected to work. That was the time that I experienced a lot of stress and anxiety which greatly contributed to the decline of my mental health which led me to feel down and uninterested in a lot of things. That was also the time when I started to re-think if I wanted to continue on my career path. I was finding it difficult to serve people when I couldn’t even help myself. So, I started applying to other jobs and other positions. I felt like I was running away from what was making me feel bad but at that time, I felt like I had to do that to help myself.

Eventually, things started to look a bit up. I was able to transfer within the company to a new position. This helped in somehow making me feel happy again because I felt like at least, I could start learning about this new job without having to start from scratch all over again when it comes to my salary and benefits.

That shifting in my career became one of the biggest changes in my life last year. The change was of course very scary at first because I didn’t know what to expect. Also, since it’s different from my previous position, I was back to being a newbie and learning the ropes of the new job. But so far, I’ve been enjoying the change. I’ve embraced the change and I think it had been a good decision on my part to go through with it because now, I feel like my passion has been rekindled and I’m able to do more with my time. It’s also rekindled my passion in my career life because I feel like I’m being given more creative freedom and more room to decide. I don’t feel like I’m being micromanaged and short-changed when it comes to working hours and my pay.

Another big change in my life is the choice to become healthier. I kind of took a short break for my birthday last year and during that time, I was able to focus on my physical and mental health. That break was kind of like hitting the reset button and so far, I’m able to keep up with the change in habits that I started. However, some of these habits seemed to have been paused a bit because I’ve been enjoying the holiday season but I’m planning on going back to regularly practicing them after the holidays.

So generally, I’ve been feeling like I’ve been happier and less anxious recently. I feel like I’ve regained my ability to enjoy the things that I used to love and enjoy. I also feel that I’ve somehow regained control over how I get to spend my time.

So, I’m thankful for last year because I got to take a big leap that I probably would have been too afraid to take especially at a time like this where a lot of things are uncertain and there are fears of making big changes. I’m also thankful for all the things I’ve learned about myself this past year and all the opportunities that helped me grow.

With all these, I’m looking forward to where 2022 will take me. I hope this year will be happier and kinder to me. I also hope that I can face any challenge that comes my way just like how I was able to face big changes last year.

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